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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

To Facebook or Not To Facebook

Everyday, when I open my shop, I turn on the airconds, the modem, the printer and finally the computers, the first thing that I will do is to log in to my Facebook. Why? I, myself also can't explain why. It has become a habit. And I will keep on doing the same thing all day long until the shop finally closes. Sometimes, I didn't do anything on Facebook, didn't update any status nor upload any photos. I just sat, and scroll the main page of my Facebook, over and over again, reading all the things that people wrote on their walls, sometimes I leave comments here and there, when I feel like it. Or open other people's profile, look at their photos or who they 're friends with.

I do admit, Facebook is good in terms of finding your old schoolmates, some long lost relatives, old boyfriends or girlfriends :). It is also a good medium for people to express their feelings on certain issues (eg: Keadilan for Aminulrasyid page), as they can't express them publicly. It is also funny because of the statuses that people wrote. I'm one of them! It's like we want everybody to know what we had for lunch, that we are happy or sad or that the weather is rainy or hot. It's like everyday we have to think really hard on what to write as your status-of-the-day. But it is also hard to write those statuses without offending anyone or sometimes it could make people assume what's really happening in your life.

But now, I found that Facebook is really resourceful to me. I can sell stuff here, without having to create my own blog (which I also have), but selling things through Facebook are easier and quicker! It's because of all the connections and friends that you have, your products gets everywhere!

Just be sure not to put anything offensive, obscene and comment others respectfully. I have seen a lot of people who are being disrespectful to other people's statuses or comment. Eventhough we have a freedom of speech, keep it to a minimal or importantly, respect others if you want other people to respect you! Am I correct?


Anonymous said...

aku, jd offended kalau terbaca status bermaki2, ada offensive words, yg kutuk mencarut sesuka hati. rasa mcm ternoda pulak moral utk hari tu. selalunya kawan2 yg suka maki atau yg selamba taip carut2 tu aku hide je, jd apa2 dia taip takkan muncul kat fb aku.

manusia selalu lupa, jari2 kita tekan keyboard ni pun bawak hukum dosa pahala. pada aku, kalau org boleh taip maki2 tanpa rasa bersalah atau kotor, maknanya tu mmg dah jadi habit dia. in real world pun dia mmg senang memaki. yuck!

Siti Shuhadah said...

aku 100% setuju dgn kau.. kdg2 tu ada org yg suka nak perli2 status org lain sebab dia berbeza opinion dgn org tu.. tapi kalau opinion tu positive tak kisahlah.. tapi kalau nak mengaib & mengecilkan hati org baik simpan sendiri diam2..