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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Jom BOIKOT Israil!

Masa saya mula-mula tengok berita tentang misi flotilla ke Gaza, saya tak lah berapa ambik berat sangat. Sebab pada fikiran saya masa tu, it's a peace mission, mesti tak ada apa-apa. Tapi bila saya terbaca surat khabar tentang kapal Rachel Corrie ditawan dan diserang, saya jadi marah. Saya pasti semua orang marah. Pertama, mereka bawa misi keamanan dan bekalan makanan dan ubatan ke Gaza. Kedua, mereka di perairan antarabangsa. Ketiga, mereka diperlakukan seperti penjenayah. Jahat, zalim, bangsat (sorry abt the language) adalah perkataan-perkataan yang boleh dikaitkan dengan Israil ni. Laknatullah! Al-Fatihah buat mereka-mereka yang syahid akibat tindakan laknat Israil ini.
Bila kejadian-kejadian sebegini berlaku, dunia mula bersuara. Tapi cukup kuatkah suara-suara lantang mereka? Adakah dengan menyatakan "Kami Kecam Perbuatan Israil" boleh melemahkan mereka? Saya rasa tidak. Kerana anda semua tentu sudah maklum bahawa disebalik kuasa jahat Israil, ada kuasa besar lain yang menyokong tindakan-tindakan zalim mereka. Saya pernah menonton sebuah klip video tentang serangan ke atas flotilla Rachel Corrie di YouTube yang menceritakan bagaimana sebelum kapal tersebut diserang, pihak askar Israil meminta kebenaran dari kuasa besar US untuk menyerang kapal tersebut. Hanya selepas mendapat "green-light", baru mereka menawan kapal Rachel Corrie tersebut. 
Saya ingat lagi membaca sebuah buku tentang tanda-tanda besar Kiamat. Di antara tanda besar kiamat adalah apabila Palestin mendapat keamanan sepenuhnya dan tanah Baitulmuqaddis menjadi kepunyaan Palestin sepenuhnya dan Israil tewas. Insaf saya bila teringat apa yang dibaca dan apa yang berlaku sekarang. Apa yang Israil cuba buat sekarang ini adalah menghapuskan semua generasi kanak-kanak dan wanita Palestin dengan tujuan menghapuskan pelapis-pelapis yang dikhuatiri akan menentang Israil satu hari nanti. Macam zaman Firaun dahulu, membunuh semua bayi yang dilahirkan. Ya Allah, lindungilah mereka-mereka yang dizalimi ini.
Apa yang kita boleh buat untuk bantu Palestin? Dengan doa, sudah tentu. Selain itu, kita juga boleh bantu melemahkan ekonomi Israil dengan memboikot barangan yang menjadi sumber ekonomi Israil. Coke, McDonalds, Nestle, Johnson & Johnson adalah antara produk Israil. Saya masih ingat sakitnya tangan saya sampai lebam kebiruan kerana dicubit adik saya kerana ingin order air Coke ketika makan di Kenny Rogers. Sampai lebam. Tegas dengan pendirian memboikot Israil. Saya yang dulu memang suka minum Coke, kini tidak lagi! Mesti adik saya tersenyum bangga.
Tapi adakah matlamat kita memboikot barangan Israil tercapai sekiranya orang lain tetap menyokong? Bagaimana pihak kerajaan begitu gah melaungkan rasa marah di Parlimen, mengecam perbuatan Israil, sedangkan iklan Coke kemain hebat di TV sempena World Cup 2010? Bukankah itu menyokong namanya? Kalau kita betul-betul insaf dan bersungguh memboikot Israil, lakukan dengan betul! Sekat semua barangan Israil! Tapi saya yakin, kerajaan kita tak mampu buat begitu kerana takut ekonomi dan sumber pendapatan negara jatuh lingkup. Kerana saya juga yakin, tanpa kita sedari, 50% perniagaan Antarabangsa di Malaysia di dominasi oleh Israil atau Yahudi.
Jadi, sia-siakah usaha kita? Bagi saya, usaha memboikot tetap diteruskan sebagai sumbangan kecil saya kepada rakyat Palestin. Anda bagaimana?

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

To Facebook or Not To Facebook

Everyday, when I open my shop, I turn on the airconds, the modem, the printer and finally the computers, the first thing that I will do is to log in to my Facebook. Why? I, myself also can't explain why. It has become a habit. And I will keep on doing the same thing all day long until the shop finally closes. Sometimes, I didn't do anything on Facebook, didn't update any status nor upload any photos. I just sat, and scroll the main page of my Facebook, over and over again, reading all the things that people wrote on their walls, sometimes I leave comments here and there, when I feel like it. Or open other people's profile, look at their photos or who they 're friends with.

I do admit, Facebook is good in terms of finding your old schoolmates, some long lost relatives, old boyfriends or girlfriends :). It is also a good medium for people to express their feelings on certain issues (eg: Keadilan for Aminulrasyid page), as they can't express them publicly. It is also funny because of the statuses that people wrote. I'm one of them! It's like we want everybody to know what we had for lunch, that we are happy or sad or that the weather is rainy or hot. It's like everyday we have to think really hard on what to write as your status-of-the-day. But it is also hard to write those statuses without offending anyone or sometimes it could make people assume what's really happening in your life.

But now, I found that Facebook is really resourceful to me. I can sell stuff here, without having to create my own blog (which I also have), but selling things through Facebook are easier and quicker! It's because of all the connections and friends that you have, your products gets everywhere!

Just be sure not to put anything offensive, obscene and comment others respectfully. I have seen a lot of people who are being disrespectful to other people's statuses or comment. Eventhough we have a freedom of speech, keep it to a minimal or importantly, respect others if you want other people to respect you! Am I correct?

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Hi.. Long hiatus I have been... So, what's new? For me, not much. Just focusing all my energy & sources to generate more income.. Hihi... I've picked up a new interest recently. Sewing beads! I never thought that I would have the creativity to do such intricate & tiring thing. But once I tried it, I couldn't stop! Then, my tailoring business is picking up now. With the Hari Raya coming up soon in September, the customer keep on coming! Alhamdulilah. Then with the collection of baju kurung & baju melayu for kids completing soon, I really hope things can get back on track fast. And also, the Kuih Raya! Can't wait for the testers to be ready, shipped to me, to take photo & to upload it! I'm hoping to get a new supplier for kuih raya this year. There was no problem with the supplier that I had before, it's just I want a fresh taste & something different. Insyallah, hopefully I can save up more to prepare for the Hari Raya Angpows! Ouch!

And oh ya, I have develop a new addiction! GLEE! It's not actually new. I like watching glee when I got the time (like if I close the shop early), or watching reruns. But, since I don't really have nothing much to do during the day when I'm in the shop, I watch Glee! So, the downloading madness started. Thanks to the limitless internet, I've managed to download all 21 episodes of season 1. Some of you might say I might a bit slow, but, I. don't. care! Watching Glee really relaxes me. Seriously! It's like watching the sitcom Friends, where you can never get bored watching it, even though you have the full CD collections of Friends & you still watch it on Star World diligently as if you have never watch it before!

Oh well, I love watching sitcoms. It's my stress-reliever. I love watching Friends, Everybody Loves Raymond, How I Met Your Mother, Samantha Who & the list go on.... And now I got Glee.... I recommend Glee to you as your ultimate STRESS-RELIEVER! Go on! Watch it!